Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi Lomi is sometimes known as the ‘loving hands’ massage. It is a unique flowing, dynamic and nourishing style of all body massage. The massage works gently yet deeply into the skin, fascia, muscles and most areas of the body with continuous, flowing strokes, allowing the recipient to relax and give in to the nurturing touch.

Lomi Lomi is quite different from other more familiar styles such as Swedish massage since the practitioner is working on large areas of the body at the same time. The massage uses warm coconut oil which is gently and lovingly applied as an anointing ritual, gradually covering the whole body. For these reasons, the methods of draping and covering of the body during the massage are rather different than you may be used to and there are options to suit your level of comfort. These aspects are described in more detail on the ‘What to Expect’ and ‘Body Covering Options’ pages.

The practitioner uses hands, forearms and body weight in long fluid strokes of varying rhythm and intensity up and down and all around the body in a way that is deeply relaxing and powerfully healing.

Lomi Lomi Massage

In its truest form Hawaiian Lomi Lomi is divine to both give and receive and the benefits are many, varied and diverse. The only way to really appreciate how good it feels is to receive the massage yourself. So, if you haven’t yet experienced the luxurious delights of Lomi Lomi massage…I would recommend that you try it at least once in your lifetime!

Rosalie Samet

Lomi Lomi Teachings by Rosalie Samet

This style of massage is taught and certified in the UK by Rosalie Samet who is the UK’s leading Master Trainer of the sacred art of Hawaiian Massage. Born in North America, Rosalie studied in Hawaii in 1990 with Kahuna Masters of Huna wisdom, shamanism and massage and has been practicing these crafts exclusively since then.

Bringing together the best of Lomi Lomi Massage and Kahuna Bodywork, Rosalie founded the Hawaiian Huna Massage UK Training Centre.  Synthesizing ancient with modern, her Practitioner Training is an authentic, inspiring and spiritual interpretation of traditional massage from Hawaii.

The training and qualification are accredited by both the Complementary Therapists Association and (CThA) and the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT).

For more information visit www.huna-massage.com

The Hawaiian Origins of Lomi Lomi Described by Rosalie:

“Lomi Lomi is the Traditional Healing Massage of Hawaii. This Transformational style was performed by Kahuna Priests in ancient times as a sacred temple ritual of great significance. Based upon the Hawaiian Huna philosophy of life, love and well-being, they perfected the use of massage with potentized natural life forces to communicate directly with the innermost intelligence and power of Body, Mind and Spirit for extraordinary healing.

Hawaiian Huna Massage or Lomi Lomi recaptures the forgotten wisdom of the ancient people of Hawaii, transcending the debilitating effects of the stresses and strains of modern living.

The Hawaiian perspective recognizes that states of tension and disharmony are the universal cause of distress and ultimately illness. Tension interferes with the free flow of life force energy and the unstoppable natural happiness, health, fulfilling relationships and success that are our birthright.

The power of this delightful yet dynamic bodywork lies in the magnitude and alignment of unconditional loving energy generated by both practitioner and client. This evokes a comprehensive expansion of perceptions, feelings, and awareness that extends into all areas of life. As a result, life inhibiting tensions melt away effortlessly into life affirming reassurance, motivation, gratitude and pleasure.

Massaging the back

Hawaiian Ka Huna Massage is indeed a unique, flowing and vibrant all body massage. Profoundly relaxing, it regenerates vitality, releases tensions, clarifies mind and emotions, restores body awareness and self-acceptance. Receiving this massage awakens the loving Presence of Life within and is a beautiful, nurturing, inspiring and oftentimes transformational experience.”

A Life of Aloha

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